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Up And In It

Dec 1, 2023

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Mar 1, 2023

-3, 6 or 12 month supply? 

-Mortgage or rent

-household repairs and maintenance.

-first last and deposit for rental

-vehicle replacement or repair

-Medical deductible, 

and buffering for medication’s

-coming up with a food plan healthy food especially if you’re sick

-Creating the lowest cost scenario and then...

Feb 16, 2023


Sleeping together in one room

Sharing a household

Using a bidet

Yellow is mellow, brown flush it down

A decade of smoothies

Water as a beverage

Eating, Just only enough

Cooking on a rocket mass stove

One bowl, one cup, one spoon, one fork and one ton of patience

Enduring tiny living

no heating or...

Feb 15, 2023

my fears for future generations

the food crisis

What’s wrong with your food even organic?

Thoughts on the energy crisis

Will inflation ever stop and how to make it irrelevant

Reconnecting with what should be the true love of your life, planet earth



Thank you for being here today. 


If you like this sort of thing...

Feb 14, 2023

Sprouts for off-season and bug pressure

Sweet potato production

Endless cuttings production

Quail the easiest and simplest meat production

My thoughts on worm castings over compost

Organizing a community net work

Utilizing vertical spaces

Moringa the tree of life

Foraging in my area

Ocean foraging 

The magnificent aloe...